Special Naming Opportunities

Perhaps you and your spouse were longtime patrons of Modesto Symphony –or, you have loved classical music since you were a child and find delight when other children are exposed to the joy of music and how it is helping children grow in many ways. 

There are ways you can create a lasting gift to honor your spouse or continue to build music appreciation in future generations. Modesto Symphony Orchestra offers naming opportunities to donors who wish to make a significant gifts that will assist with a special program or project or support the cost of a musician’s chair position or Music Director’s chair position. A significant gift helps us to plan ahead for future years and build a sustainable program.

We also offer naming opportunities through gifts to the MSO Endowment that both honor a musician and ensure your legacy. 

A gift to support the cost of: 

In Perpetuity 10 years 5 years
Music Director $1,000,000 $500,000 $350,000
Associate Conductor/Youth Orchestra Music Director $850,000 $400,000 $250,000
MSO Chorus Director/Youth Chorus Director $500,000 $250,000 $150,000
Concertmaster $500,000 $200,000 $125,000
Principal Musician Chairs $350,000 $175,000 $100,000

Your gift may be made by a pledge over several years or outright.  Funds will be deposited into our Endowed Fund and the annual interest will support the cost of these positions.  Such gifts provide sustained annual income, despite economic downturns. 

Consider this story, of a patron at the LA Philharmonic (where one of our alumni is now the director of the LA Philharmonic’s Composer Fellowship Program)

In 2001, Doris Gothie donated her home outright to the LA Philharmonic, with the right to live in it the rest of her life. Upon her passing the home became an asset of the LA Philharmonic. The Fourth Horn position was named The Reese and Doris Gothie Chair, in honor of her late husband.  Click here for the details of her story.

If you are interested in leaving a similar legacy to Modesto Symphony Orchestra and see it continue to grow, as part of your legacy, please contact Caroine Nickel, at 209-523-4156, ex. 103 or cnickel@modestosymphony.org.

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