Get to Know MSO's New Music Director Nicholas Hersh!

Get to know Nicholas Hersh!

We are so excited for Nicholas Hersh’s to join our Modesto community, and we can’t wait for you to meet him. We asked him to share a bit about himself from what instrument he plays to his favorite pizza topping. Keep reading to learn more about Nicholas!

If you weren’t a conductor/musician, what would you want to be?

Probably an astronomer—I’m fascinated by space and celestial bodies!

Star Wars or Star Trek? Lifelong Star Wars nerd, reporting in

What instrument do you play?


What was the first concert you went to? The first I really remember is The Magic Flute at the Chicago Lyric Opera when I was about 6 or 7.

Besides music, what was your favorite subject in school?
My high school had a fantastic curriculum called Chem-Phys, where you took Chemistry and Physics jointly. I wasn’t great with the Chem, but absolutely loved the Phys!

Dogs or cats?
Love them all, but seeing as I have two cats at home...

Describe yourself in three words. Curious. Creative. Committed.

Do you have a secret talent?
Not too secret (see Instagram), but I make sourdough bread.

What is your favorite pizza topping?
Cheese, cheese and more cheese!

What would be the theme music to your life?
John Williams’ “Adventures on Earth” from E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial

Go to the beach, or go to the mountains?
First one, then the other! But I just went skiing for the first time, and I LOVED it.

Nicholas on joining the MSOA:

“I am beyond thrilled that my first music directorship will be in such a vibrant, music-loving city as Modesto. There was a certain electricity in the Gallo Center when the MSO musicians and I collaborated last year, shared not only onstage but with the audience as well; together we’ll grow that energy, creating bespoke artistic experiences for the entire Modesto community and cementing the role of music education for all ages as a driver of social good.

Orchestral music has endured, and I believe symphonies will continue to serve as a vehicle for great music. You have gathered onstage a group of virtuoso musicians working together toward a unified musical vision, and an audience gathered in the house to take it in. It’s a bit of an odd ritual—this mysterious congregation! But it’s the sense of community the orchestra creates, with every musician and concertgoer participating, that gives an orchestra concert its staying power: when the lights go down and the sound of some eighty acoustic instruments envelops you and those around you...well, there are few words to describe that sensation.”

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